
Canadian Chiropractic

Assistant Association

The Wellbeing of the Wellness Assistant

I cannot remember a time in my career when it has been more difficult or challenging for many Assistants & providers. There have been trying situations and challenges during my 20+ years in this profession but this past 18 months has certainly put us to the test.

We had to be responsible for the wellbeing of patients, practitioners, practices, colleagues, our families, friends and ourselves, which often falls last.

Duties and responsibilities multiplied and uncertainty loomed. Both health and financial concerns weighed heavily on each of us while providing the best care we could to others.

I was grateful to be able to continue to work throughout the pandemic. I felt early on that it would be in my best interest to continue a regular schedule and for me, I believe it worked well. I have spoken to so many people over the last 18 months that felt very isolated and I witnessed the emotional changes in people. I would call some of our patients weekly during lockdowns, those who were alone and I knew would be appreciative for the chat, as was I.

Patients would often comment on how I seemed to be doing great and remained so upbeat. I obviously did not share my worries or troubles with patients and projected a positive attitude while I faced my own challenges and waves of emotions. Sadly, I was estranged from several immediate family members due to travel restrictions and quarantine requirements but I believe that having those patient interactions and a daily purpose or focus made it easier for me mentally and personally.

I continued a regular routine of self-care both physically and mentally, as caregivers it is important for us to stay mindful of feeling burned out. Many people don’t always recognize the symptoms and often feel that they have no options, but to keep going.

Taking time to recognize and acknowledge your challenges and that self-care is a priority, especially for those caring for others. I like to say, “attend my own lectures”. Getting through this has not been easy; everyone has been impacted on many levels, and that is why I am bringing attention to this subject.  

Please visit our events page for an upcoming webinar with special guests, discussing mental health awareness. We will be addressing the challenges and concerns of taking care of yourself while also caring for others.

I am always available to answer any questions or to just chat if you feel the need.